For Immediate Release
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UnInformed Consent

Are mercury dental amalgams safe?
August 22, 2003


Talk Show Host, Dr. Stan Monteith, author of: A Nation Deceived and Betrayed," and "AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic"

Listen at: - Call in line: 1 888-24liberty 8:00 P.M. P.S.T. (Pacific Standard Time)

8:00 PM PST
Will host Dr. Boyd Haley, Chair of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Haley’s vision leads the movement of a breed of scientists that humanity has lost touch with - championing science on facts and ethics for the safety of mankind. Dr. Haley has conducted, compiled, reviewed endless research and testified by invitation at numerous US Congressional Hearings. Dr. Haley’s expertise in the area of biological chemistry and the safety of mercury is unparalleled.

9:00 PM PST
Christy Diemond, Exec. Producer of "UnInformed Consent, Episode I, Mercury, A Slow Death." This documentary made famous the "Smoking Tooth" by demonstrating, on camera, that mercury does indeed escape from mercury dental amalgam fillings. 450 copies of this film were recently delivered to every US Congressperson along with a bill to ban the use of amalgam fillings cosponsored by Congresspersons D-Diane Watson, CA and R- Dan Burton, Ill. Christy is an example of what any ordinary citizen can do to make a difference at a grassroots level.

The Hidden Danger of Implanting Mercury In Dental Fillings and Vaccines–

UNINFORMED CONSENT, SEATTLE WA - Mercury, A Slow Death is a powerful historical expose' documenting organized efforts to withhold vital information from the American public concerning the number one toxic chemical being exorcised from the environment today – mercury. It is implanted in over 90% of America in two routine health procedures - amalgam dental fillings, and vaccines.

In a truly fortuitous and selfless effort, copies of “UnInformed Consent” have been hand delivered to each and every one of our US Congressmen, and soon, to each and every one of our US Senators in Washington DC. Never before has a film had such a revolutionary yet determined debut.

Dr. Monteith will be talking with Dr. Boyd Haley and then Christy Diemond, executive producer, two members of the force behind exposing the truth. The talk line is: (888) 24 Liberty.

To listen on the internet, do the following:
Go to
Click on “Listen Online”
Click on "Listen Live"


Information and Media contact:
Christy Diemond, Exec. Producer
UnInformed Consent – Bringing Back the Public’s Right To Know the Truth…
Phone number: 425 487 2358

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